Uncomfortable Until it Is

As I'm about to type this, the Council of Light is standing behind me. I feel the tingly sensation on my shoulder blade. I let them know I like that sensation and now they show up to let me know they are excited about this post. I journal my communications with them each night, but I post at a later date. The following is from 4 nights ago...

The Council of Light: "It's uncomfortable until it is..."

Me: "Until it is? What? Comfortable?"

The Council of Light: "No, don't try to complete the thought. Take the thought away. It's uncomfortable until it is. Add a period. Definitive. 'Is' is everything. The unknowing of everything; it's uncomfortable, until it is."

Me: "As in, not needing to know?"

The Council of Light: "As in, we know there is an aspect of being uncomfortable without knowing."

Me: "I've always been that way, huh?"

The Council of Light: "Yes, impatient."

Me: "And the impatience shows up as annoyance and intolerance at times?"

The Council of Light: "Exactly. Even in the mundane, you are learning."

Me: "I had to tune it out. I wasn't into it."

The Council of Light: "Consciously, you were not into it. You look for the people you like and discard the others. How do you look forward to seeing the all? You are Source in each. Until you see them, everyone, as all, that is."

Me: "Why do I have little patience for those who do not catch on quickly?"

The Council of Light: "You are gifted with quick learning and understanding, in some areas, but when we put complex graphs and math in front of you, you shut down [they were making fun of me and I was okay with the math reference]. Everyone has their own variation of graphs and math. It doesn't mean they aren't valuable in other areas you may not yet relate to in the physical. You aren't meant to be drawn to everyone."

Me: "Then can I acknowledge that I am not drawn to someone or something and excuse myself or must I stay and learn?"
The Council of Light: "You'll know. You'll know when you need to learn the math and when it isn't so important for your path. But the key is to acknowledge, and not condemn. There must be slow learners so you see how quickly you catch on. That's part of duality...'thank you for revealing a strength' can be as valuable as 'thank you for showing me a weakness'. The weakness should reveal that it's not important on your path.

You are not everyone's teacher. Teacher, yes you are, but you will not strike with everyone. Is 'strike' too harsh a word? Mesh, click, align. Don't take it personal, for they will find their teacher elsewhere, be drawn other places. The people who find you...they know without knowing. They feel a recognition in you, to them. They find the IS. One. You were meant to have a far reach and that's why you're good at many things...but there are no math geniuses coming to you for math tips [laughing]."
