Premonition from the Guides

Premonitions - what do they serve?

I started my meditation by grounding and protecting my energy and calling in my guides and angels, like I always do. I had a little girl on my mind. I've followed her mom/family on Instagram for a couple of years. This little girl is the reason I follow this family. I think she is the cutest little girl on the planet. Her bright eyes, her darling smile and the way her curls fall in her face, she'll steal your heart away. I had been checking for updates on IG stories and on the mom's IG posts all night. The last update was of the almost 3 year old coming out of anesthesia. The parents would be meeting with the doctors to find out the diagnosis/prognosis. No word.

My guides stood beside me in the meditation, now showing themselves in white robes. They were straight faced, serious. "But why are you showing up in white? I haven't seen you this way. No...," I said, "Give it to me a different way."

They kept their expressions to a minimum, with care in their eyes but not really showing sadness, more of a matter of fact as they see death differently than we do in the physical.

"But are you sure? This family, they go through so much. This little girl, she's so precious. She is the light of their lives."

My guides held firm, they wanted me to acknowledge the message. She wouldn't have long.

To myself, I was saying, "I hope it's not true. I hope I got it wrong and didn't just receive it as a message. Why am I now receiving messages about someone's death. I don't think I'm ready for that. Maybe I am from your perspective. I don't know. Let's move on to something else..." 

The thing is, when you are connected, those private conversations are not private. The guides held firm in their message until I acknowledged. Still, I didn't want it to be true.

I got on Instagram this afternoon to wish my nephew a happy birthday and the mom's post popped up first in my feed, leading off with: "How do you put worst case scenario into words..." My daughter was in the kitchen making us a nice quinoa salad for lunch. " know the little girl I was telling you about? The one that has a mass on her brain?" "Yeah?" "It's fatal. There is no cure. 0% survival rate. Ugh. I got this message last night and I tried to push it away. I didn't want it be right."

To this adorable family, we lift you up with immense love and hold peace for you in our hearts as you go through this very difficult time.

Update: This precious little angel passed away approximately 6 weeks later. She didn't have long...but she still has eternity.
