Just Say No

I'm a child of the 80s. First Lady Nancy Reagan telling us to "Just Say No".
During the COVID-19 pandemic Stay in Place Orders. Life essentially on hold from all non-essential activities. Activities that used to feel essential- like the over scheduled families running here to there, from one sporting event to the next. Dinner taking a back seat to late practices and extra curricular activities and appointments.

Me: "How do we move forward? We begin to say no to the busyness, the nonsense, the over-commitments, the things taking us away from our families. We stay home and spend time with our people. We go out as a family and laugh and play and take in the fresh air. No competitions, aggression, just love...freedom!"

Council of Light: "Going forward, you determine how to maintain this space, this sacredness of down-time, where there is no planning or mapping out schedules or calendars - scratch that - over-scheduling on calendars. Use this time to ask, 'Why do I/we do this? Why do I/we do that?' If it is because we are doing what we 'are supposed to do' it's time to rethink NOW before you jump back in."

Me to the collective: "Remember, we can not go back from here and we have the power, the freedom to choose how to go forward. Take what is important in this time, get clear on it so you don't even try to go back. What are the best parts? Only love going forward."

Council of Light: "My dears...only love...for then, you are free."

Me: "We are in this until we learn there is no going back or we won't transform this moment into something really special."
